Green Way

We are proud to say that the “Teatralny” hotel is active at implementing environmentally sustainable programs, thus following its own “Green way”.The Hotel participates in a worldwide program “Earth Hour” since 2016.environmentally friendly and act sustainably.Earth Hour is an annual worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The event is held on the last Saturday of March from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. and encourages everyone (individuals, communities, various organizations etc.) to turn off the light and some of the non-essential equipment (except elevators) for one hour in order to evoke people’s interest and attract their attention to the importance of the climate change issue and other environmental problems.The hotel design is based on the eco-concept: only low-impact and sustainable materials, soft natural fabrics are used and tender colors prevail in the interior and textile design.Each room is equipped with eco-friendly furniture, hypoallergenic linens, fabrics and cosmetic sets, as well as modern ventilation and conditioning systems are provided.

The restaurant of the “Teatralny” hotel offers its guests a wide variety of Ukrainian and European dishes made of environmentally sustainable and organic products only. In the menu you will always find fruit and vegetable fresh juices, jams and pickles, bakery and pastries made by our own recipe.

The hotel purchases only high-quality environmentally friendly laundry and cleaning supplies.

Because of the installation of tap aerators in bathrooms and workstations we manage to control the moderate usage of water, as well as to ensure its additional filtration, purification and softening processes.

Various energy-efficient technologies are already installed and used in the hotel, for instance: heat recovery system, autonomous heating system, insulation of all hotel rooms, energy saving lamps, water flows meters, photo-diode sensors, etc.

The implementation of the electronic management system has already led to a significant reduction of paper consumption. Along with this we also control that all paper, metal, plastic and glass items are recycled, and all out-of-order devices, lamps and batteries are utilized on time.

The hotel management does their best to achieve the employee engagement by organizing trainings aimed at saving natural resources for the staff of the hotel.